Mat 24:4 Jesus answered them, "take heed that no man deceive you."
In the above passage, the word translated "deceive" in the King James version is the Greek word "planao", which specifically implies "roaming from the truth". Today we have created tremendous problems in our society because of our willingness to roam from absolute truth in favor of what we want to believe is true.
But what we believe has no basis in absolute truth, unless we are willing to face truth for what it is, not what we wish it was or want it to be. This is where most people go astray in their lives. We are making important life decisions based on what we believe to be true, not what actually IS true. In so doing, we roam from the truth and become self-deceived or seduced into believing the lies other roamers have created.
The rise of digital technology, along with the internet and social media have made a way for deceivers of all shapes and sizes to go about the business of creating their own version of "truth". Everyday we are exposed to thousands of pieces of information designed to get us to believe something or take some particular action. Thanks to digital imaging programs, even photos or videos cannot be trusted to be true.
If the information happens to agree with our existing perceptions, we are much more likely to believe it is true simply because it "confirms" something we already believe. Most of us can't bear the prospect of admitting we might actually be wrong or 'misinformed'.
The news media knows this and plays on our personal opinions and beliefs every day via news stories designed and purposely written to get us to agree or get us to get mad because we disagree. Often the stories do not even include the pertinent facts. Most of the news stories we are subjected to day after day are now based on sensational topics for their attention-getting ability rather than any real attempt to expose the true facts or circumstances for what they are.
News services have split into camps that openly promote the version of events that they "feel" is correct or "right". There is no longer any pretense of independent, journalistic professionalism, it's all about what the audience wants to hear. Or rather, what those particular reporters believe. Never mind the facts or evidence that could lead to the real truth.
The only people who cannot be deceived are those who are willing to see the evidence for truth and accept it for what it is. Only when we leave our personal opinions and agendas out of the equation, can we know and discern the real truth about anything. Trouble is, most people would rather "roam from the truth" in favor of their personal opinions or agenda.
Are you deceived? If you believe that your opinions are evidence of the truth-- as opposed to examining the evidence available, then the truth is, you are deceived.