As monumental as this winter has been, it's probably a pretty small event on a time line that includes many such winters, and many much worse, that have come through here in the course of history. They are big to us because they happen in our lifetime, in our span of history.
Our perspective on all major life events, weather events, sports, growing up and living and dying is actually very, very tiny. People define truth to be what we think it is, based on our perspective and our personal experiences. Yes its true that this was the biggest snow storm I've seen in my lifetime, but all in all, that's a very short period of time, where weather is concerned.
Truth and Life (as in the "force", that drives all living things) supersede all of our collective human experiences. It may come a surprise to many, but believing something does not make it true. Rewriting history to fit our current definition of truth will only change our books, it can't change the history that went before.
If we are wise, we will come to realize that we must seek the real truth for what it is, rather than inventing our own version of truth to make us feel more comfortable with ourselves. With the passing of time, the older person realizes what the younger one cannot know - that is that life is short and truth is absolute and not subject to our perspective or opinions.