I liked to play sports and wear jeans. Even THAT was an issue when I was a kid. Girls were supposed to wear dresses, and I hated that with a passion. Wearing lacy slips that scratched and itched, under an uncomfortable polyester Easter dress, patent leather shoes that hurt like the dickens, and white gloves! Add the Easter hat, and well, you get the idea. The hot south Georgia weather made that outfit so sticky and uncomfortable to wear. It was as if girls were supposed to be miserable, while guys just wore pants and shirts, and could sit without crossing their legs. I dreaded holidays like Easter, because I knew I’d be miserable all day, sweating like a pig, plus with a dress on, I couldn’t go out and play. It all made me want to be a boy.
One thing girls absolutely did not do in the 1960’s was play drums. I fell in love with music and especially drumming, in my early teens. I wanted to study drums and join the school band, but in those days girls simply were not allowed to be drummers. I settled for trombone, LOL, somehow that was more “lady-like”. During the 15 years that I played drums professionally, I was constantly reminded that “girls don’t play drums”.
I ignored all the gender hype, and just became a drummer. I knew what I wanted to do, and I did it. It didn't matter that I was a girl, I could work just as hard as a boy, and I did. I set out to become a "great" drummer and I was highly successful at it for 15 years. And I didn't even have to have male hormones or a genital transplant. It was a great achievement for me when "the boys" started hiring me to be their drummer. In fact, my female voice proved to be a valuable asset as well. I was hired over many better male drummers because I could sing the "girl" songs.
You can be what you want to be in America, and you don't have to change your gender to do it.
Frankly, if gender transition had been a “thing” in 1965, I would have probably fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Looking back on it now, 60+ years later, I’m soooo glad that we kids didn’t have such deceptive ideas foisted upon us. We played together but we all KNEW we were boys or girls, and it had to stay that way. There was no other option. Our day to day lives revolved around our roles as a male or female. It gave us an anchor to build our lives upon.. We were taught that we need to become responsible adults, and responsible fathers and mothers. Raising children isn't just what we do today, it's going to dictate how life goes for many years to come.
A compass is oriented to North, South, East and West. Without the correct orientation, a compass is worthless. Humans who re-orient their lives around something that is fundamentally untrue are heading in the wrong direction. This will lead to bitterness and disappointment later in life. You can't build a successful, happy life around something that is fundamentally UNTRUE. It's no better than building a house without a foundation. Sooner or later, that house will crumble away.
Without the basic fundamentals of an organized society, the society is doomed to break down. We are already reaping what we have sewn, but the harvest to be reaped from altering the very fabric of society has yet to come to full fruition. But I can assure you it won’t be pretty. Transgenderism, like many other "ism's", should not be practiced on children that are too young to understand the consequences. Indeed the parents who support such ideas have no concept of how this will affect their families in the years to come.
Parents must protect their children from lies and deception. When the parents become deceived and subject to the same lies, they are unable to protect their children. I am grateful for a mother who had a strong sense of right and wrong, and imparted this to her children early in our lives. Any mother who takes her 3 or 4 year old child to a drag queen "reading hour", and gives the kid money to place in a drag queens’s thong or whatever, is making a mistake that will cost them dearly in the future.
Those of us who are 60 years old and above, we have already lived this truth, and are still experiencing the outcomes of how we raised our kids.
It is NOT my intention to demonize any person who believes that they are a “tranny”. But rather, I am trying to warn people out of love. This deception is driven by profit motives in the medical industry, ideological motives driven by our enemies, and a global elite who are anxiously trying to control population growth by any means possible. (Abortion, homosexuality, transgender surgery, social controls, etc.) Our government has become the chief exporter of these common population control strategies. The idea of personal freedom is just the bait that gets the fish to bite. This is NOT about “personal freedom” “finding yourself” or any other tempting personal notion. Changing your gender will NOT empower you, it will weaken you, physically and financially.
It’s about permanently altering your life in ways that are irreversible. It’s about giving up a family, because two women who give birth to artificially impregnated babies, is NOT the same as having a real family with a Father, Mother, boys and girls. Those who take this road are headed for the proverbial cliff. Our society readily objects to experimenting on animals, yet we are experimenting with an entire generation of human beings.
You may totally agree with me, or you may be outraged by now. But I can assure you of this:
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived—God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that he also shall reap.
Teach your children well.
What you do today will come back upon you in the years to come.